Privacy Policy

Whiskey Social App Privacy Policy

Last Modified: November 2023

General Provisions

RND Holdings LLC, ("RND" or "we") and its Affiliates (as such term is defined in the Terms and Conditions located at (RND and Affiliates, collectively, "RND") respect your privacy and this privacy policy ("Policy") describes how we are committed to protecting your personal information. When you use the Whiskey Social App, its website version and any existing or future related apps or websites, including apps and websites of Affiliates (all existing and future related apps and websites, collectively, "App"), RND may collect, store, use and disclose information about you in accordance with this Policy. This Policy describes in detail how we collect, store, use and protect any information you provide to us and describes the following:

  • Why we collect your personal information.
  • What information is collected by the App.
  • How we use and store your information.
  • How we may share information.
  • How to contact RND.

The App requires a registered account ("Account"). As a result, RND will ask you to provide certain personal information for the purposes set out in this Policy or to access the functions of the App.

On the App, you decide how we communicate with you. We respond to your customer inquiries using the contact details you have provided to us. We may send you promotional material by mail, Facebook, X (formerly, Twitter), YouTube, Flickr, Tumblr, Vimeo, Pinterest, Instagram, email, text message (SMS), and other forms of communication to your personal device or otherwise. This Policy explains how you can choose how we communicate with you.

Please read this policy carefully to understand our policies and practices for collecting, processing, and storing your information. If you do not agree with our policies and practices, do not download, register with, access or use our App. By downloading, registering with, accessing or using the App, you indicate that you understand, accept, and consent to the practices described in this Policy. This Policy may change from time to time. Your continued use of our App after we make changes indicates that you accept and consent to those changes; please check the policy periodically for updates.


Personal Information

We will only use your personal information in accordance with this policy unless otherwise required by applicable law. We take steps to ensure that the personal information that we collect about you is adequate, relevant, not excessive, and used for limited purposes.

Privacy laws in the United States generally define "personal information" as any representation of information that permits the identity of an individual to whom the information applies to be reasonably inferred by either direct or indirect means. Additionally, information permitting the physical or online contacting of a specific individual is the same as personal information.


Unsolicited Emails and Phone Calls

Do not provide or send any personal information (particularly financial or credit card information) that is requested of you through an unsolicited email or phone call that appears to be from RND or the App. We will not contact you to request such information. We will only request such information from you when completing an order through the App.


Why RND Collects your Personal Information

RND collects your information in order to provide you with a more personalized, convenient, secure and enjoyable online experience and interaction, and for any other purpose set out in this Privacy Policy. We may retain some of your personal information in order to provide you with a personalized welcome and user experience during subsequent visits. We may also ask you to provide us with certain information online in order to fulfill our legal and contractual obligations. Additionally, the collection of your personal information allows us to help detect and address illegal activity or other objectionable conduct online.


What Information is Collected by RND

We receive and may retain various information that you voluntarily provide to us during a visit to our App, in correspondence when you contact us or any other information or preference that you provide to us for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. This information may include the following:

  • Your name, address (including postal code) and telephone number,
  • your date of birth,
  • your location,
  • your email address,
  • your IP address,
  • photos or videos in which you appear,
  • your resume or curriculum vitae,
  • proof of identity,
  • payment and billing information for purposes of completing an order,
  • Any other information that you agree to communicate to us through our App or by other means, including Facebook, X (formerly, Twitter), YouTube, Flickr, Tumblr, Vimeo, Pinterest, Instagram, SMS text message, or other forms of communication including any other social media.

For purposes set out in this Privacy Policy, or any other purpose which you consent to, we may collect and use real-time information about your device's location. If you block, disable or otherwise disallow the use of location or tracking technologies on your device, the App may be inaccessible or certain functions may become unavailable.

We may also receive information about you from other sources in accordance with applicable privacy laws, including but not limited to up-to-date information about your address. This information may help us enhance your user experience.


Cookies and Other Technologies

When you visit our App or communicate with us, we and our third party service providers may use technological tools that automatically collect information about how you access, navigate and leave our App. For example, we collect information about what other website you have visited before ours, what type of browser and operating system you use, the IP address from which you visit the App, the pages you visit and the website you visit when leaving ours. In general, we do not link this type of information to your personal information unless we are conducting an investigation into the security of our App.

Some of our general and promotional communications use cookies, pixel files and other digital markers. A cookie is a small data file transmitted to your computer by web servers, which allows you to track your browser activity while you are visiting our App. This information tells us how you use our App, how we could improve the design and content, and how we could provide you with a better user experience. We do not use cookies to access personal files on your personal device.

Our App may use pixel files and cookies to administer our online promotional programs. Pixel files and cookies can keep track of your browser so that you can be recognized when you visit other websites. We also use pixel files to find out if you open the promotional communications we send to you. Generally, these pixel files are of limited duration and come from our ad management service providers who may use these pixel files and cookies to load an advertisement from RND when you visit certain other third-party websites. We do not control these third parties' tracking technologies or how they use them. If you have any questions about an advertisement or other targeted content, you should contact the responsible provider directly.

If you prefer not to accept cookies, most browsers will allow you (i) to change their settings so that you are notified each time you receive a cookie, which allows you to decide whether or not to accept it, (ii) delete existing cookies, and (iii) configure your browser to automatically refuse all cookies.

You may also change your email account settings to block the automatic downloading of images which may include certain technological tools that allow us to confirm if you have viewed our email or used certain features. You may also opt out network advertising programs that track your activities across multiple websites to deliver targeted advertising to you. 

There are tools to find out if RND may have cookies in your browser and how to remove them. You will continue to receive other types of advertising from member companies, but they will not be based on your interests. Since deleting cookies from a browser may remove your opt-out preferences, you should use these tools regularly to ensure that your preferences are up to date.


Web Analytics Service

This App uses a web analytics service to analyze information on users. The service uses cookies to allow us to analyze how users use the App. The information generated by the cookie in relation to your use of the App (including your IP address) is transmitted to the Service Provider, who stores it on its servers. The Service Provider may use this information to evaluate your use of the App, to compile reports on App activity for website or app operators, and to provide other services relating to App activity and marketing.

The Service Provider may also transfer this information to third parties when required by law or when these third parties process the information on its behalf. You can refuse the use of cookies by modifying the appropriate settings in your browser; note, however, that if you disable the use of cookies, some areas of the App may not be accessible or function adequately.


How we Use your Personal Information

Our service providers and the government:

We may securely share your information with designated vendors who provide services on RND's behalf, which include but are not limited to hosting, data and promotional service providers, bars, distilleries, and printing companies. In the course of providing these services, these third-party companies may use some of the personal information you have provided to us for purposes that RND expressly permits. Such purposes may include but are not limited to keeping our database up to date, managing and monitoring emails and posting promotional offers. We contractually require these third parties to keep personal information confidential, use it only for the purposes for which we disclose it to them, and to process personal information following the same standards set out in this policy.

We may also share your personal information with government agencies or other businesses that assist us with fraud prevention or fraud investigations, or where permitted by law or required by contract for the purposes of protecting RND against or prevent actual or potential fraud or unauthorized transactions, or to investigate fraud that has already been committed. Additionally, we may pass your personal information on to third-parties to whom you have given permission to receive such personal information.


Sharing of information within our company:

The information you provide to us may be passed on to the various contact points within RND to the extent that this is necessary for the purposes for which it was collected. We may also share your information with a buyer or other successor in the event of a merger, divestiture, restructuring, reorganization, dissolution, or other sale or transfer of some or all of RND's or its Affiliates' assets, whether as a going concern or as part of bankruptcy, liquidation, or similar proceeding, in which personal information held by RND and its Affiliates about our customers and users is among the assets transferred.


Other uses of personal information:

We may also use information we collect about you or you provide to us, including any personal information:

  • To provide you with the App and its contents.
  • To provide you with information, products or services that you request from us.
  • To fulfill the purposes for which you provided it or that were described when it was collected or any other purpose for which you provide it.
  • To provide notices about your Account.
  • To carry out our obligations and enforce our rights in any contracts with you, including for billing and collection, as applicable, or to comply with legal requirements.
  • To notify you when App updates are available, and of changes to any products or services we offer or provide though it.
  • To improve our App or customer relationships and experiences.
  • For marketing purposes.
  • To allow you to participate in interactive features, social media, or other features on our App.
  • To measure or understand the effectiveness of the advertising we serve to you and others, and to deliver relevant advertising to you.
  • For any other purpose with your consent


How RND Protects and Stores your Personal Information

Your personal information is kept confidential. They are stored and processed on our computers located in the United States, and maintained by our third-party service providers. Your personal information is subject to the laws of the United States, including laws that allow access to it for law enforcement purposes. These laws may differ from the laws of your jurisdiction of residence. We use administrative, procedural and technical measures to protect your information against loss or theft and against unauthorized access or disclosure in order to protect your privacy. These safeguards include firewalls and encryption.

The safety and security of your information also depends on you. Where we have given you (or you have chosen) a password for access to certain parts of App, you are responsible for keeping it confidential. We ask you not to share your password with anyone. We urge you to be careful about giving out information over the Internet, or in your interaction and communication with other.

Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the Internet and mobile platforms is not completely secure. Although we do our best to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee the security of your personal information transmitted through the Internet, third party digital networks, websites, mobile devices, the App, or any social media platforms. Any transmission of personal information is at your own risk. We are not responsible for circumvention of any App privacy settings or security measures.


We cannot be held responsible for cases of fraud or theft over the Internet. Please be aware of this when providing information through the App.

By submitting your personal information or engaging with the App, you consent to the transfer, storage, or processing of your personal information in accordance with this Policy.


Data Retention

Except as otherwise permitted or required by applicable law or regulation, we will only retain your personal information for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes we collected it for, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, accounting, or reporting requirements. Under some circumstances we may anonymize or aggregate your personal information so that it can no longer be associated with you. We reserve the right to use such anonymous and de-identified data for any legitimate business purpose without further notice to you or your consent. Your consent therefore remains valid after the end of our relationship with you.


Individuals under the Age of 21

Our App is not intended for anyone under 21 years of age. No one under age 21 may provide any information, including personal information to or on the App. We do not knowingly collect personal information from any individuals under 21. If you are under 21, do not use or provide any information on the App or on or through any of its features, make any purchases through the App, use any of the interactive features of the App, or provide any information about yourself to us, including your name, address, telephone number, email address, or any user name you may use. If we learn we have collected or received personal information from an individual under 21, we will delete that information. If you believe we might have any information from or about an individual under 21, please contact us.


Exercise your Choices on the Receipt of Promotional Communications

We want to communicate with you only if this is your wish. If you do not wish to receive communications or promotional information from us, you may use the UNSUBSCRIBE link in the messages sent by RND or you can email us at:


Links to Other Websites

For your convenience, our App may provide links, references or pointers to other websites that have their own terms of use and their own privacy and security policies. RND ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DAMAGES CAUSED BY THEM AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE MANNER IN WHICH THESE THIRD PARTIES COLLECT, STORE, USE OR DISCLOSE YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION. If you choose to visit any of these websites, you should review the privacy policies that govern them.

In addition, our App may present content (including through applications or social media platforms) that it retransmits, but which is hosted and made available by third parties. RND ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DAMAGES CAUSED BY THEM AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE MANNER IN WHICH THESE THIRD PARTIES COLLECT, STORE, USE OR DISCLOSE YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION. If you choose to view such retransmitted content, you should review the privacy policies that govern it.


How to Contact RND

If you would like more information about our privacy policy or our personal information management practices or to request access to, correct, or delete any personal information that you have provided to us, please contact us by email at We may not accommodate a request to change information if we believe the change would violate any law or legal requirement or cause the information to be incorrect. We may charge you a fee to access your personal information, however, we will notify you of any fee in advance.

We will provide access to your personal information, subject to exceptions set out in applicable privacy legislation. Examples of such exceptions include:

  • Information protected by attorney-client privilege.
  • Information that is part of a formal dispute resolution process.
  • Information that is about another individual that would reveal their personal information or confidential commercial information.
  • Information that is prohibitively expensive to provide.

If you do not wish to receive promotional material from RND or if you wish to review, verify, correct, or withdraw consent to the use of your personal information, please contact us by email at Please note that if you withdraw your consent, we may not be able to provide you with a particular product or service.